The NEW AIAM 310 Negotiating Conflict - VOD - NO CE

AIAM 310 examines how to successfully handle conflict by understanding the different types of conflict. Topics include working with difficult people, solution strategies for conflict, and using positive language.



  1. Housekeeping
  2. Unauthorized Entities
  3. Attendance
  4. Introduction
    1. Why should we solve conflict?
      1. Creates confusion
        1. Take sides
        2. Confidence level erodes
      1. Creates confusion
        1. Productivity suffers
        2. Increases tension
  5. Two Types of Conflict
    1. Substantive Conflict
      1. Disagreements
      2. Substance of issues
      3. Example
    1. Personalized Conflict
      1. Emotional
      2. Personalities collide
      3. Example
  6. Solution Strategies
    1. Identification
    2. Move the conflict to substantive issues
    3. Work to prevent personalization

Hour 2

  1. Dealing with Difficult People


    1. Not personal
    2. Ask the person what they want
    3. Listen
      1. Empty you mind
      2. Understand the context
      3. Don’t get distracted
      4. Use follow trails
      5. Use body language
      6. Ask questions
      7. Take notes
      8. Confirm your understanding
      9. Let the person finish talking
      10. Don’t judge too quickly
  1. Use Positive Language
    1. Negative language pattern
    2. Accusatory
  2. Conflict with the Boss
    1. Disagree, but don’t be disagreeable
    2. Don’t make it personal
    3. Be clear about what you disagree about
    4. Offer alternatives
    5. Take things private
    6. Seek to understand
    7. No one likes yes people
    8. Disagree and commit
  3. Effective Communication
    1. Appropriate skills and understanding
    2. Supportive climate or culture
    3. Effort
  4. Conflict Communication Exercise
    1. Different Styles of Communication
    2. Competitor
    3. Collaborator
    4. Accommodating
    5. Compromiser
    6. Avoider
  5. Conclusion
    1. Attendance
    2. CE Affidavit